DESMI Terminator High Capacity Self-Adjusting Weir Skimmer

DESMI Terminator High Capacity Self-Adjusting Weir Skimmer

The Terminator high capacity self-adjusting weir skimmer incorporates a powerful DOP-250 dual pump, which contains three cutting knives to slice through any trash or debris the skimmer may encounter.

All components are manufactured in marine grade aluminium, stainless steel, or polypropylene. Various options are available for this skimmer including wireless remote control, thrusters, plus the possibility of adding disc or brush modules for ultimate versatility.

The configuration of the pump allows for uninterrupted access to the weir, and maximum recovery capability. Due to the clever vertical screw design, the pump is able to handle a mixture of extremely viscous fluids and water without loss of discharge pressure or emulsification of the oil and water.

Advantages of the Terminator self-adjusting weir skimmer includeits suitability for light or heavy oils, its very high discharge pressure, a self adjusting weir, and the option to have thrusters for remote positioning of the skimmer into nearly any location.

The skimmer also benefits from low weight in comparison to its size, and due to the fact that it is manufactured from tough components, there is an extremely low amount of maintenance needed.

The design of the Terminator weir skimmer has benefited from a continuous development programme over 20 years. The resulting is a very versatile, reliable, powerful and seaworthy oil skimming system that can be used in a wide variety of applications.

The Terminator self-adjusting weir skimmer is a powerful offshore skimmer which incorporates a powerful DOP-250 dual pump that has a maximum capacity of 125m³/h and can develop discharge pressures up to 10 bar 145 psi while maintaining nearly maximum flow. The self-adjusting weir lip, controlled by the pumping rate enables this extremely versatile high performance skimmer to handle products with very high viscosities, even when contaminated with debris.

The removable floats on the skimmer also enable crane deployment if rapid response is required. Additional modules such as brush or disc can also be mounted on the skimmer.

Advantages of the Terminator high capacity self-adjusting weir skimmer:

  • Affordable high capacity
  • Lightweight
  • Suitable for light or heavy oils
  • High discharge pressure
  • Cutting knife for trash
  • Self-adjusting weir
  • Available with thrusters for remote positioning
  • Choice of hydraulic power units
  • Low maintenance
  • Readily available parts
  • Can be fitted with disc, brush or belt modules


DESMI designs and manufactures an extensive range of systems to recover oil and chemicals from the marine and inland environment. DESMI products include skimmers, booms, storage tanks, power packs, pumps, dispersant systems, vessels and ancillary items.

DESMI’s extensive range of containment booms and oil skimmers supports their oil spill response solutions which are highly trusted in the industry. Whether the requirement is for offshore or shoreline areas; the arctic or equatorial environment, DESMI delivers proven solutions for all spill conditions and offers outstanding life-cycle costs.



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