The Oxy-Rescue Kit Contents was developed as an emergency resuscitation kit for first response emergency personnel. The contents
have all the same features as the Oxy-Resusc Kit with the added benefit of a venturi suction system. The kit may be purchased with
either a reusable or disposable adult resuscitator. The ideal softpacks to store this kit is the Ferno FAHAD 5100 Airway/Oxy Kit,
Ferno FAHAD5110 Trauma Airway Kit, Traverse Kigali Patrol Kit or the Thomas EMS THOM-TTFF1250 O2 Lite Kit.
- Multiflow regulator LPM with two high pressure outlets
- Oxygen demand valve with mask and tubing
- Oxygen powered suction unit
- Three adult and child therapy masks
- Airways sizes one to five
- Pocket mask with O² inlet, face strap and case
- Cylinder spanner
Kit contents exclude oxygen cylinder and softpack.